May Two-Oh-Thirteen

So…where do I start from where I left off a month ago? Even though I tell myself to just write, document my life, experiences and thoughts, I seem to only update this space once a month. Everything I think of just remains in my head, swimming and swirling around. Sometimes I miss the old Livejournal days when I could just let loose and put my personal thoughts in virtual black and white. And to imagine I did it for almost a decade – and to think that I met a few of my now-KL-friends because we started off following each other’s Friends-Only-Locked personal journals back then.

Since the last time I wrote something here on dreizig, it’s been a whirlwind journey (well when has it ever not be?). Flew to KK for Malaysia’s 13th General Election, back to KL, flew to Kuching a few days later for a client’s event (ended up with some rashes from mutant insects), came back to KL, and tomorrow morning I’m flying to KK, then Hong Kong and Macau with my mum (who landed in the country yesterday, I’m so happy!), then back to KK before flying to KL again. Then it’s KK again around the 19th for my grandma’s first anniversary. Oh, crazy, how you keep me on my toes.

And June is gonna be MAD crazy for work, I mean the craziness has already started (why does everyone have to have events at the same time? beats me!) but June…damnit. But hey I’m not complaining really, just exclaiming. I love what I’m doing, the rush, it’s so exhilarating, the excitement, all theĀ possibilities. My job’s really not just a job, it’s my life, my passion. I’ve not taken a single MC leave for the past year -except the days I was admitted to the hospital…and I went back to the office as soon as I was released- no fever or flu can stop me. There’s no breakdown if you love it. I even feel bad that I’m going on a holiday tomorrow, that I have to leave work things behind, but I have to tell myself that it’s okay because I’m seeing my mum! And I have not seen her since I was back in Germany end of last November… this whole half-a-world-away distance thing gets me down all the time.

This is probably one of the most useless entries ever, it’s just me rambling and rambling. But my gameplan is to do a tiny bit of workstuff tonight, sleep for a couple of hours, wake up, pack, head to the airport wayyyy early and then chill out while waiting to board. So maybe a more insightful post will come out tomorrow.

Until then, here’s a picture of my legs, titled ‘Drunk Photography at Barsonic #3’.

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